True, lasting health comes from nourishing your body from a place of love, moving in ways that feel natural and empowering, and prioritizing your lifelong wellbeing.

 Together, let’s help you get out of overwhelm and uncertainty and back in control of your health, your body, and your happiness.

If you have felt deflated by trendy diets, impossible workouts, and numbers on a scale… you won’t find any of that here.

A (private) podcast with feel good meditations that perfectly fit your daily life. New uploads every week! Join now for only $7.99/month after your free trial.

Feel Good Monthly

(free download) A digital magazine with activities, articles, and inspiring free space pages for self-love & feel good wellness all summer long!


Let's fill up your cup, together.

working with me

Feel good wellness coaching personalized to your lifestyle, and goals!! Support from a coach + BFF committed to your success.

1:1 coaching


"Working 1-on-1 with Madison is the best! Since it’s just us two, we get to fully dig deep and work on what comes up for me. It’s full attention on me, my health and my goals, etc. every time we meet. And then the Voxer support that’s always there for me or for you to check in with me is the cherry on top. I seriously feel like I have a friend who is fully there for me and ready to help me think through things that come up in the moment!"


more feel good tips

What does your body need to feel seen and loved today? Don’t overthink it! Honor whatever comes up and take feel good action. These are the little things that help us feel safe with ourselves! Besides, it feels good to know you’re on your own team.

I help women heal their relationship with food + movement + and their body so they can come home to themselves and believe they’re enough.

As a certified trainer, nutrition coach, & self-love warrior, I believe health looks different on every body and the best diet + workout is the one that lights YOU up.

Instead of telling you what you should do, I’ll help you learn how to trust yourself, listen to your body, and become the expert of you.

Because you know your body better than anyone else.

It’s time to lean into your own magic, take up space, and live the life of your dreams. We’re going to break free from shame, self-judgment, and guilt once and for all – and we’re going to do it together!!

i'm madison

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